Cathy Johnson, M.A., C.C.C
Cathy Johnson became a licensed Speech/Language Pathologist in 1991 after completing a B.A. and M.A. in Communication Disorders, with a minor in Child Development. Cathy also earned a special day class credential. Cathy initially focused on treating young children with speech and language disorders but broadened her scope of practice when those same young children returned to her for help in reading. Additionally, Cathy's own daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia and her mission to help children became her passion. Cathy is committed to finding the best research-based approaches to help children of all ages. From this, Cathy’s dream to help parents and teachers identify and remediate deficits as early as possible was born.
I have a dream that children...
- Who learn differently will be taught in the way that suits them best.
- Who are challenged by distraction will develop the ability to focus on the information they need and disregard the rest.
- Who struggle with math facts and time limits will find they can understand math.
- Who continually have to go to summer school because they are not taught in the way they learn will now have their summers free to play.
- Who are teased by their peers will now have a place to reveal their true intelligence.
- Who cannot complete their work in a "timely" manner will now be able to work without anxiety.
- Who are not as "social" as others will pursue and develop their interests, and not those society imposes on them.
- Of varied intelligence who have not learned to read will indeed read and develop a love of reading.